AWHILE BACK, I created the Crush Pessimism Store just for fun and so I could get some T-shirts for myself with the URL printed on them. Then I bought a bumper sticker and some T-shirts from my new store. Yesterday a friend of my wife's was visiting from out of town, and she said, "I like your bumper sticker!" All it says is "" She didn't know that was my blog.
When I wear one of my crushpessimism T-shirts, people treat me differently. The fact that I'm wearing a shirt with that message on it says something about me. People seem to automatically like me when I wear the shirt. They don't know I am the CP blogger, but the message on my shirt says I'm probably a positive person with a good sense of humor.
I thought long and hard to come up with that name. I wanted a URL that was itself a message. And I wanted the message to have a certain amount of lighthearted fun about it and one that wouldn't seem academic. I wanted something that others would not be embarrassed to display. just didn't have the same appeal.
The reason I'm telling you all this is twofold: First, if you would like to do something about the widespread negativity you see in people around you and the media, a simple way of doing it without having to directly argue with negative people is to get a bumper sticker or T-shirt. It puts the message out there, and also directs people to more information on the subject.
Second, I want you to do whatever you can to promote the URL. The URL itself says something that needs to be said, and it turns people onto a resource. People with a commitment to having a good attitude will be attracted to the URL and they'll use it to share with others.
We just need to get the URL seen by as many people as possible. You can add it to your signature in your email messages, for example. You can print it on business cards and when someone seems to need some help undemoralizing themselves, you can simply hand them the card and say, "Check this out. I think you'd like it." You can put a billboard on your lawn with the URL proudly emblazoned on it. Okay, maybe that's too much. But the culture of pessimism has got to be curbed. Using the Crush Pessimism Store is one way to do it.
Here's another way: How To Advance The Cause
And still another: Turning Others Into Optimists
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